Start Time-Cushion, the care and prevention network in your region or city.
Start Time-Cushion in your region
You are looking for solutions to the care problem in your region or city? You want to work independently but aren’t interested in reinventing the wheel? You are interested in learning and developing together with others? Then you have come to the right place. Welcome to Time-Cushion.
We provide you with a complete and tested model. As a licence partner, you benefit from all the developments we have already made and will make in the future. We support you in your project. For our partners, we create productive framework conditions for a quick start.
Our activities are geared towards concrete impact goals. The results and impacts are presented in our impact report.
Your profile
We will gladly help you take on social responsibility.
You bring the following skills with you
- Networking with relevant partners to establish Time-Cushion as a new care and provision model
- Actively seek volunteers to build volunteer teams
- Support volunteer teams in setting up and train them using our workshop model
- Winning (other) institutions, networks, and communities as cooperation partners and integrating them
- Plan and implement information events, participation in trade fairs, etc.
- Plan and carry out press and public relations work in your region on your own responsibility
- Conduct networking and training workshops
- Data maintenance and support of the teams in doing so
- You are the Time-Cushion face in your region
Ideally, you bring experience in individual areas such as network building, sales, project management, volunteering, social management or similar.
Are you an existing institution, an association or a corporation, or are you becoming a social entrepreneur? Get in touch with us.
Today, I can help.
Tomorrow somebody helps me.
Our offer
Studies on the effectiveness and sustainability of various models as well as numerous experiences of our own have been incorporated into our concept and licensing model. We combine successful experiences from different models such as time banks, neighbourhood assistance, senior citizens’ cooperatives, time provision models, and volunteer services with our expertise from more than 25 years of organisational development and process and project management. Our own implementation and learning in recent years have led us to make Time-Cushion possible as a licensing model in other regions as well.
With the licence, you receive a complete package, from the business model to the business plan, rights for brand use, all documents, forms, manuals for all participating groups and for you as a licensee, etc. After a short training period, you can get started and fully develop your commitment. Build your first teams.
Together we make a significant contribution to solving the care problem.
This is how you solve the care problem.
contact us
Time-Cushion also makes sense in your country. Care is becoming one of the major social challenges in many countries. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We look forward to hearing from you.
Why you should rely on Time-Cushion
Demographic change, changing family situations, and declining neighbourhood networks are leading to a large gap in the care and nursing system. Zeitpolster is a model that addresses this gap and has the potential to activate the population on a broad scale. 60% of all helpers are otherwise not voluntarily active.

What our first partner says
As part of our study on the future of care and support in Liechtenstein, we also looked at models for civil society involvement and compared various models in German-speaking countries. With Time-Cushion, we found a model that, after a start-up phase, can function without state intervention and is practical and sustainable. The project met with great interest in Liechtenstein and could be launched in 2020 as part of a social franchise model. A separate association was founded, which is financed at the start by the Lebenswertes Liechtenstein Foundation. The model thrives on contacts and the pandemic has certainly made the start immensely difficult. But that does not change anything about the concept, which is very viable for the future in the course of demographic development.

Thomas Lorenz
Foundation Future LiechtensteinFAQs
What are the fees?
There is an entry fee that includes all documentation, the platform, the business model, etc. The amount depends on the size of the area you work on exclusively.
For the running costs, a small percentage of the invoiced hours goes to us as the licensor. We use this to finance further joint developments.
What is the legal situation?
They are an independent legal form that acts on its own responsibility. In each country, the tax law issues concerning the hourly credit have to be clarified separately. For Germany, we have already clarified all legal issues. For other countries, please contact us.
How is the business model designed for the licensee?
The licensee receives all operational income from the billing of the hours. The quicker they succeed in building teams and recruiting active volunteers, the quicker they cover their costs. Our sponsoring model with companies supplements the income side.
Our licensees see themselves as social enterprises.
When will the model cover costs for licensees?
Depending on the area and size of the region, we expect it to take about 4-5 years to break even. You need solid financing for the start-up phase. We would be happy to share our knowledge in this regard.
How is the care provided accounted for?
The person who receives care receives an invoice. We create the invoices centrally from the system and our partners send them.
How long does the preparatory work take until the start?
After agreeing to work together, we adapt all the documents for you. All in all, you can expect about 2-3 months for the adjustments, the platform configuration and the internal training. The concrete deadline also depends on your time resources.
How large is a region that can be worked on exclusively?
We would be happy to discuss the number of groups you would like to set up. Coordinate with us for your region / city. We draw upper limits, e.g. at the federal state level.

The time pillar for personal pension provision